
object string

The stats option lets you precisely control what bundle information gets displayed. This can be a nice middle ground if you don't want to use quiet or noInfo because you want some bundle information, but not all of it.

module.exports = {
  stats: 'errors-only',

Stats Presets

Webpack comes with certain presets available for the stats output:

'errors-only'noneOnly output when errors happen
'errors-warnings'noneOnly output errors and warnings happen
'minimal'noneOnly output when errors or new compilation happen
'none'falseOutput nothing
'normal'trueStandard output
'verbose'noneOutput everything
'detailed'noneOutput everything except chunkModules and chunkRootModules
'summary'noneOutput webpack version, warnings count and errors count

Stats Options

It is possible to specify which information you want to see in the stats output.


A fallback value for stats options when an option is not defined. It has precedence over local webpack defaults.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    all: undefined,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to show the asset information. Set stats.assets to false to hide it.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    assets: false,


string = 'id'

Tells stats to sort the assets by a given field. All of the sorting fields are allowed to be used as values for stats.assetsSort. Use ! prefix in the value to reverse the sort order by a given field.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    assetsSort: '!size',


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add the build date and the build time information. Set stats.builtAt to false to hide it.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    builtAt: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about assets inside modules. Set stats.moduleAssets to false to hide it.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    moduleAssets: false,


number = 15

Tells stats how many items of assets should be displayed (groups will be collapsed to fit this space).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    assetsSpace: 15,


number = 15

Tells stats how many items of modules should be displayed (groups will be collapsed to fit this space).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    modulesSpace: 15,


number = 10

Tells stats how many items of chunk modules should be displayed (groups will be collapsed to fit this space).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunkModulesSpace: 15,



Tells stats whether to add information about modules nested in other modules (like with module concatenation).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    nestedModules: true,


number = 10

Tells stats how many items of nested modules should be displayed (groups will be collapsed to fit this space).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    nestedModulesSpace: 15,


Old version of stats.cachedModules.


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about cached (not built) modules.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    cachedModules: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about runtime modules.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    runtimeModules: false,



Tells stats whether to show chunk modules that are dependencies of other modules of the chunk.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    dependentModules: false,



Tells stats whether to group assets by how their are related to chunks.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupAssetsByChunk: false,



Tells stats whether to group assets by their status (emitted, compared for emit or cached).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupAssetsByEmitStatus: false,



Tells stats whether to group assets by their extension.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupAssetsByExtension: false,



Tells stats whether to group assets by their asset info (immutable, development, hotModuleReplacement, etc).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupAssetsByInfo: false,



Tells stats whether to group assets by their asset path.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupAssetsByPath: false,



Tells stats whether to group modules by their attributes (errors, warnings, assets, optional, orphan, or dependent).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupModulesByAttributes: false,



Tells stats whether to group modules by their cache status (cached or built and cacheable).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupModulesByCacheStatus: true,



Tells stats whether to group modules by their extension.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupModulesByExtension: true,



Tells stats whether to group modules by their layer.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupModulesByLayer: true,



Tells stats whether to group modules by their path.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupModulesByPath: true,



Tells stats whether to group modules by their type.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupModulesByType: true,




Group reasons by their origin module to avoid large set of reasons.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    groupReasonsByOrigin: true,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the cached assets. Setting stats.cachedAssets to false will tell stats to only show the emitted files (not the ones that were built).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    cachedAssets: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the children.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    children: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the chunk. Setting stats.chunks to false results in a less verbose output.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunks: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the namedChunkGroups.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunkGroups: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the built modules to information about the chunk.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunkModules: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the origins of chunks and chunk merging.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunkOrigins: false,


string = 'id'

Tells stats to sort the chunks by a given field. All of the sorting fields are allowed to be used as values for stats.chunksSort. Use ! prefix in the value to reverse the sort order by a given field.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunksSort: 'name',


string = '../src/'

Sets the context directory for shortening the request information.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    context: '../src/components/',


boolean = false object

Tells stats whether to output in the different colors.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    colors: true,

It is also available as a CLI flag:

npx webpack --stats-colors

To disable:

npx webpack --no-stats-colors

You can specify your own terminal output colors using ANSI escape sequences

module.exports = {
  colors: {
    green: '\u001b[32m',


boolean = false

Tells stats whether to display the distance from the entry point for each module.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    depth: true,


boolean = true string = 'auto'

Tells stats whether to display the entry points with the corresponding bundles.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    entrypoints: false,

When stats.entrypoints is set to 'auto', webpack will decide automatically whether to display the entry points in the stats output.


boolean = false

Tells stats whether to display the --env information.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    env: true,


boolean = false

Tells stats whether to hide orphan modules. A module is an orphan if it is not included in any chunk. Orphan modules are hidden by default in stats.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    orphanModules: true,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to display the errors.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    errors: false,


boolean string = "auto"

Tells stats whether to add the details to the errors. It defaults to 'auto' which will show error details when there're only 2 or less errors.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    errorDetails: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to show stack trace of errors.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    errorStack: false,


array = []: string | RegExp | function (assetName) => boolean string RegExp function (assetName) => boolean

Tells stats to exclude the matching assets information. This can be done with a string, a RegExp, a function that is getting the assets name as an argument and returns a boolean. stats.excludeAssets can be an array of any of the above.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    excludeAssets: [
      (assetName) => assetName.contains('moduleA'),


array = []: string | RegExp | function (assetName) => boolean string RegExp function (assetName) => boolean boolean: false

Tells stats to exclude the matching modules information. This can be done with a string, a RegExp, a function that is getting the module's source as an argument and returns a boolean. stats.excludeModules can be an array of any of the above. stats.excludeModules's configuration is merged with the stats.exclude's configuration value.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    excludeModules: ['filter', /filter/, (moduleSource) => true],

Setting stats.excludeModules to false will disable the exclude behaviour.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    excludeModules: false,


See stats.excludeModules.


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the hash of the compilation.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    hash: false,


string = 'info': 'none' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'log' | 'verbose' boolean

Tells stats whether to add logging output.

  • 'none', false - disable logging
  • 'error' - errors only
  • 'warn' - errors and warnings only
  • 'info' - errors, warnings, and info messages
  • 'log', true - errors, warnings, info messages, log messages, groups, clears. Collapsed groups are displayed in a collapsed state.
  • 'verbose' - log everything except debug and trace. Collapsed groups are displayed in expanded state.
module.exports = {
  stats: {
    logging: 'verbose',


array = []: string | RegExp | function (name) => boolean string RegExp function (name) => boolean

Tells stats to include the debug information of the specified loggers such as Plugins or Loaders. When stats.logging is set to false, stats.loggingDebug option is ignored.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    loggingDebug: [
      /webpack/, // To get core logging
      (name) => name.contains('MyPlugin'),


boolean = true

Enable stack traces in the logging output for errors, warnings and traces. Set stats.loggingTrace to hide the trace.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    loggingTrace: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats whether to add information about the built modules.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    modules: false,


string = 'id'

Tells stats to sort the modules by a given field. All of the sorting fields are allowed to be used as values for stats.modulesSort. Use ! prefix in the value to reverse the sort order by a given field.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    modulesSort: 'size',


boolean = true

Tells stats to show dependencies and the origin of warnings/errors. stats.moduleTrace is available since webpack 2.5.0.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    moduleTrace: false,



Tells stats to show the reasons why optimization bailed out for modules.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    optimizationBailout: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats to show the outputPath.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    outputPath: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats to show performance hint when the file size exceeds performance.maxAssetSize.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    performance: false,


string boolean: false

Sets the preset for the type of information that gets displayed. It is useful for extending stats behaviours.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    preset: 'minimal',

Setting value of stats.preset to false tells webpack to use 'none' stats preset.


boolean = false

Tells stats to show the exports of the modules.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    providedExports: true,


boolean = true

Add errors count.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    errorsCount: false,


boolean = true

Add warnings count.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    warningsCount: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats to show the publicPath.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    publicPath: false,


boolean = true

Tells stats to add information about the reasons of why modules are included.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    reasons: false,




Space to display reasons (groups will be collapsed to fit this space).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    reasonsSpace: 1000,


boolean = false

Tells stats whether to add information about assets that are related to other assets (like SourceMaps for assets).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    relatedAssets: true,


boolean = false

Tells stats to add the source code of modules.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    source: true,


boolean = true

Tells stats to add the timing information.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    timings: false,


boolean = false

Tells stats to add IDs of modules and chunks.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    ids: true,


boolean = false

Tells stats whether to show which exports of a module are used.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    usedExports: true,


boolean = true

Tells stats to add information about the webpack version used.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    version: false,


boolean = true

Display auxiliary assets in chunk groups.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunkGroupAuxiliary: false,


boolean = true

Display children of the chunk groups (e.g. prefetched, preloaded chunks and assets).

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunkGroupChildren: false,



Limit of assets displayed in chunk groups.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    chunkGroupMaxAssets: 5,


boolean = true

Tells stats to add warnings.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    warnings: false,


array = []: string | RegExp | function (warning) => boolean string RegExp function (warning) => boolean

Tells stats to exclude the warnings that are matching given filters. This can be done with a string, a RegExp, a function that is getting a warning as an argument and returns a boolean. stats.warningsFilter can be an array of any of the above.

module.exports = {
  stats: {
    warningsFilter: ['filter', /filter/, (warning) => true],


boolean = false

Tells stats to display chunk parents, children and siblings.

Sorting fields

For assetsSort, chunksSort and modulesSort there are several possible fields that you can sort items by:

  • 'id' is the item's id;
  • 'name' - a item's name that was assigned to it upon importing;
  • 'size' - a size of item in bytes;
  • 'chunks' - what chunks the item originates from (for example, if there are multiple subchunks for one chunk - the subchunks will be grouped together according to their main chunk);
  • 'errors' - amount of errors in items;
  • 'warnings' - amount of warnings in items;
  • 'failed' - whether the item has failed compilation;
  • 'cacheable' - whether the item is cacheable;
  • 'built' - whether the asset has been built;
  • 'prefetched' - whether the asset will be prefetched;
  • 'optional' - whether the asset is optional;
  • 'identifier' - identifier of the item;
  • 'index' - item's processing index;
  • 'index2'
  • 'profile'
  • 'issuer' - an identifier of the issuer;
  • 'issuerId' - an id of the issuer;
  • 'issuerName' - a name of the issuer;
  • 'issuerPath' - a full issuer object. There's no real need to sort by this field;

Extending stats behaviours

If you want to use one of the pre-defined behaviours e.g. 'minimal' but still override one or more of the rules: specify the desired stats.preset and add the customized or additional rules afterwards.


module.exports = {
  stats: {
    preset: 'minimal',
    moduleTrace: true,
    errorDetails: true,

15 Contributors
